Jumped off the road towards Masterpiece School and came upon a sign that said School for those who seek only fun and Imperfection . Now that was right up my alley ( oh my , that's actually a road isn't it )?
The cherubs ( grandchildren ) are off to a week of camp, very excited ,have been packed for a week --- are they Ready??? And they will need a card and note In order to remember Mema. ( grandma ) . Haha .
So I put together a quick one (. Really ? You ask ---no not really ) remember my profile ? The one about hidden artistic ability . ? I use to say no ability but that is a negative affirmation and actually that is why I am on this road ------ to discover and learn . Just a wee bit afraid that the masters out there will be judging . Oh heaven forbid ! Oh well the little ones won't notice and I had some fun .
Remember , that's what it's all about !😍
This one is for Lillian . Thought she would enjoy the fairy . Most stamps are from Clarity .

This one is for Matthew , lots of little critters . Have a great time at camp love Mema